Our Final Issue:
Volume 29, Issue 357
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Our 20th Anniversary Collage from the center spread of Issue 240 (August, 2014):

NOTE: If anyone is inerested in purchasing the magaine to continue the legacy we have built over the last 30 years and keep the torch burning for all of us clasic car lovers please call 407-290-3026 and leave a message, or E-Mail mkelly2@bellsouth.net. We would like nothing better than to see this very popular magazine that has TONS of followers continue, and serve the classic car communtiy in years to come. We have develped a great distibution base over the 30 years, and solidified it as a go-to for many readers and followers.

Update For August, 2024 - The Magazine Is No More: It is with sadness that we must inform everyone that there will be no more issues of Mike Kelly’s Cruise News magazine, and that the July 2024 printed magazine was the last. It is due to circumstances beyond our control, along with some medical issues, so we appreciate everyone’s kindness and understanding during this time (and not inquiring about those medical issues, as they are personal).

We published our first issue in August of 1994, and from the very start it was an equal collaboration between father Mike R. Kelly and son Michael B. Kelly, working as an equal team over all those years from beginning to end, enjoying that collaboration the whole time to make it work and dedicating our lives to make the magazine a success over those years. We would like to thank everyone for a great 30 years. We have been fortunate to have met so many great people over the years while attending so many great car shows and cruise-ins, and work with so many great advertisers and help them promote their goods and services.

We also would like to thank everyone that came to our Beach Blast car shows in Cocoa Beach, which we hosted for 21 years, and we had a GREAT time doing so with tremendous success all along the way.....while meeting so many of our readers and supporters over those years (while making many friends along the way), as well as sharing so many great vehicles from there through coverage and features in our magazine. We would also like to thank ALL of those volunteers that helped us make that event a tremendous success, due to their hard work and dedication....and we sincerely appreciate you. Also, a big “Thank You” to everyone we’ve been fortunate to cross paths with all along the way at every car show and cruise-in, and to all of our readers and supporters over the last 3 decades.

I think over the last 30 years we made a great addition to the classic car show scene in Florida and made a BIG impact, with so many followers and supporters along the way, that have given us so much great feedback over the years. We not only informed people of upcoming shows and cruise-ins around the state of Florida (an aspect that we had TREMENDOUS positive feedback about over the 3 decades of publishing that helped promote the hobby, and let everyone know where they could have fun with classic cars, be it as a participant or a spectator), but were also able to share so many great cars and trucks in our countless coverage of various events over the years, as well as through our many cover cars and center spreads. From the beginning we were focused on giving Florida the coverage it deserved....as that was always our focus from day one. We had a great time all along the way with all of you, and we are extremely proud of that and appreciative as well. It has been a GREAT ride over those years!

As for the subscribers, the magazine is now bankrupt, so while we haven’t cashed any new subscription checks since the middle of July of 2024 when the decision unfortunately had to be made to not publish any more magazines (and we will not cash, nor return those checks, they will be shredded) we sincerely thank you for your support over all these years. We will also not be able to refund any subscription balances for unmailed issues going forward. But we thank all of you that believed in us and subscribed, or of course those that just picked up free magazines over the years at various car shows and cruise-ins, and especially those that supported our many advertisers. We’ve had some GREAT advertisers over the 30 years, and we really appreciate their support and trust in us helping promote their businesses to our readers along the way.

We are trying to see what we will do financially on a personal level moving forward, to make it through this tough time, and the situation we are now facing on many personal levels. I hope everyone understands the difficult situation we are facing, as we transition through this tough time that has unfortunately come about recently. We did not foresee this situation, but it is what we find ourselves in now. Again, thanks for your understanding and compassion, as we make this transition into what we are now facing moving forward, on a personal level.

Long live the classic car lifestyle that we all love so much, and we hope continues for many years to come! Obviously everyone reading this loves classic cars and trucks, the beautiful aspects of them, the creativity of them, and of course the people they bring together at all the various events. We look forward to seeing you still at various events, as upcoming time and situations permit. We hope to see you all in the future. Thank you!

-Michael B. Kelly


The contents of this site, including all text and images, are copyright © 2002 - 2024 Mike Kelly's Cruise News. All rights reserved.
The first issue of Mike Kelly's Cruise News was August of 1994